Monday, April 27, 2009

Does Michigan Need JOBS?

OK. Here is a Question. I am going to ask you (and I want you to go and do your own Survey over the next 10 days; In fact, survey everyone you run in to and see if you get any answers that are different than the answers that I am getting):

Do you believe that Michigan needs MORE JOBS – or do you believe that Michigan needs LESS JOBS?

I have asked more than 800 people over the last few months and I have not not gotten any different answer! Apparently, Michigan needs more Jobs!

THE FIRE TRIANGLE - A Combination of Three Elements

As we learned in elementary school (and in Scouting), in order to have a fire, there has to be three elements - Air, Heat and Fuel. If you put those things together in sufficient quantities, you will have a fire. You can't NOT get a fire if you do that.

Remember Tom Hanks in the movie Castaway on the beach struggling to build a fire as if his life depended on it? He had to put Air, Heat and Fuel together in enough quantity to get a fire.

When the Fire Dept rolls up to the scene of a house fire, on the other hand, they decide very quickly which one leg of the fire they are going to knock out of the Fire Triangle to put out the fire.

If you take away any one leg of a fire - poof! - No Fire!

The same thing is true for JOBS.

THE JOBS TRIANGLE - A Combination of Three Elements

In order to have JOBS, we need to combine three elements - Infrastructure, Workforce and Capital. When you put them together in sufficient quantity, you will get JOBS. You can't NOT get Jobs.

  • Infrastructure - Basic public services, roads, guard rails, police, fire, post office, telecommunications, water, sewer, etc.
  • Workforce - People that are ready, willing and able to capably do the work
  • Capital - Investment Money seeking to make Money

If you want to create MORE Jobs, put more of these three elements together.

If you want to reduce Jobs, just like a fire, just knock out one of the legs of the Jobs Triangle. If you believe that Michigan needs more Jobs, here are a few more questions to ask in your Survey this coming week:

  • Does Michigan have enough Infrastructure right now?
  • Does Michigan have enough Workforce right now?
  • Does Michigan have enough JOBS right now?
  • What do you think is MISSING?

That's correct - Business Capital is what's missing. For dozens of reasons, Michigan has been leading the nation in its assault on Capital formation. We make Capital formation a risky and expensive proposition for most industries through our business tax system, regulations and labor laws.

Capital goes where it is welcomed the most and it stays where it is treated the best. It's the exact same way with where you spend your paycheck!

  • We have been assaulting Capital creation for many years in Michigan. Now, we appear to have exported THAT wonderful philosophy to the rest of the country! (We're better off exporting Cars and Furniture, rather than that ugly ideology!)

  • Do you know anyone who has any type of a home–based business, where maybe they make something and then sell it?
    My wife makes and sells hair bows via her
    PB Bows web site. New regulations will soon require that each hair bow be tested for lead which will increase her cost of making hair bows from about $1.50 to about $22.20 each!

How many of you would be inclined to invest MORE into that business or would you be inclined to invest LESS?

The same is true for the business YOU work for and for every other business and jobs-provider. I should say, Private-Sector jobs provider

THE SOLUTION - One Big Step is the Michigan FairTax

I am going to get into the details of the MI FairTax in an upcoming post, but some great things will happen to our economy, to our 401(k)s, to our savings accounts, our paychecks, to our Jobs prospect and to our general outlook on life!

  • The FairTax eliminates Income Taxes and all State-imposed Business taxes, setting Michigan on the road to becoming a Capital MAGNET, rather than the Capital REPELLANT that we are today!!
  • Simple - No Tax Returns
  • No Payroll Tax withheld
  • Extremely Broad-based - Even drug dealers, car thieves, illegal aliens pay their share
  • The Cost of Government becomes transparent and visible on every receipt of every thing we purchase
  • Etc, Etc, Etc

Stay tuned in the Patriot Almanac for more details! In the meantime, give the MI FairTax every consideration - it will stand up to your scrutiny.


By the way, I finally figured out that the U.S. Administration really is deeply concerned about national security! You see, their strategy is that no enemy nation could risk invading the United States ... It couldn't afford the high taxes!

We cannot have Jobs without combining Infrastructure, Workforce and Capital.